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    Polycom RPX 2xx/4xx

    Цена: звоните

    Производитель: Polycom 
    Polycom_RPX2xx4xxСистемы "реального присутствия", создающие настоящую иллюзию беседы лицом к лицу. Они используют уникальную технологию Polycom с установкой камеры высокой четкости (HD) непосредственно за экраном на уровне лиц участников. В поставку входит полный комплект оборудования для переговорной (от 4 до 28 участников), возможен выбор цвета мебели и аксессуаров.
    • Бесшовный экран 244x107 или 488x107 см
    • Трехматричные профессиональные HD видеокамеры с разрешением 1920x1080, передача в форматах 1080p/30 кадр/с и 720p/60 кадр/с
    • Потолочные микрофоны с полосой приема звуковых частот до 22 кГц
    • Индивидуальные дисплеи для обсуждаемых документов
    • Стереозвучание с качеством, достаточным для определения места участника на удаленной стороне
    • Скорость передачи до 6 Мбит/с на каждый экран/камеру (IP/H.323/SIP)
    • Поддержка ISDN H.320 - до 2 Мбит/с на каждый экран/камеру
    • Возможность многоточечного соединения - 1+2 или 1+4
    • Возможность многоточечного соединения с произвольным числом RPX систем при использовании
    • видеосерверов Polycom RMX2000/4000
    • Полная совместимость с существующими обычными видеотерминалами H.323 и H.320 и системами класса TelePresence
    • Интегрированная система управления комплексом (Тач-панель)


    RPX HD 204M  v2.0 - 2 seamless video displays. Seating for 4 on video . Must order rear wall graphics and appropriate country kit. Chairs sold sep.  Not to be used in Switzerland. ROW Only (Maintenance Contract Required)


    RPX HD 208M v2.0 - 2 seamless video displays, conf. table + 1 row. Seating for 8 on video. Not to be used in Switzerland.  Must order rear wall graphics and appropriate country kit.  Chairs sold sep. ROW Only (Maintenance Contract Required)


    RPX HD 210M v2.0 - 2 seamless video displays, conf. table + 1 row. Seating for 10 on video. Must order rear wall graphics and appropriate country kit. Chairs sold sep.  ROW Only (Maintenance Contract Required)


    RPX HD 218M v2.0  - 2 seamless video displays, conf. table + 2 rows. Seating for 18 on video.  Must order rear wall graphics and appropriate country kit.  Chairs sold sep.  ROW Only (Maintenance Contract Required)


    RPX HD 408M v2.0 - 4 seamless video displays, conf. table seating for 8 on video.  Must order rear wall graphics and appropriate country kit.  Chairs sold sep.  ROW Only (Maintenance Contract Required)


    RPX HD 418M v2.0 - 4 seamless video displays, conf. table + 1  row. Seating for 18 on video. Must order rear wall graphics and appropriate country kit.  Chairs sold sep. Not to be used in Switzerland.  ROW Only (Maintenance Contract Required)


    RPX HD 428M v2.0 - 4 seamless video displays, conf. table + 2 rows. Seating for 28 on video. Must order rear wall graphics and appropriate country kit.  Chairs sold sep.  ROW Only (Maintenance Contract Required)




    RPX 204M, 208M version 2.0 Standard Rear Wall Graphics, blue sky w/clouds.  Excludes text, logos and any other custom elements.  Must be ordered with RPX Suite.


    RPX 204M, 208M version 2.0 Enhanced Rear Wall Graphics.  Includes any combination of simple logo, company name, suite location on std. blue sky w/clouds or other backgrd meeting Polycom Enhanced design spec.  Must be ordered with RPX Suite.


    RPX 204M, 208M version 2.0 Premium Rear Wall Graphics.  Optionally includes any combination of new custom background, complex company logo, complex artwork, or complex text meeting Polycom Premium design spec.  Must be ordered with RPX Suite.


    RPX 210M version 2.0 Standard Rear Wall Graphics, blue sky w/clouds.  Excludes text, logos and any other custom elements.  Must be ordered with RPX Suite.


    RPX 210M version 2.0 Enhanced Rear Wall Graphics.  Includes any combination of simple logo, company name, suite location on std. blue sky w/clouds or other backgrd meeting Polycom Enhanced design spec.  Must be ordered with RPX Suite.


    RPX 210M version 2.0 Premium Rear Wall Graphics.  Optionally includes any combination of new custom background, complex company logo, complex artwork, or complex text meeting Polycom Premium design spec.  Must be ordered with RPX Suite.


    RPX 218M version 2.0 Standard Rear Wall Graphics, blue sky w/clouds.  Excludes text, logos and any other custom elements.  Must be ordered with RPX Suite.


    RPX 218M version 2.0 Enhanced Rear Wall Graphics.  Includes any combination of simple logo, company name, suite location on std. blue sky w/clouds or other backgrd meeting Polycom Enhanced design spec.  Must be ordered with RPX Suite.


    RPX 218M version 2.0 Premium Rear Wall Graphics.  Optionally includes any combination of new custom background, complex company logo, complex artwork, or complex text meeting Polycom Premium design spec.  Must be ordered with RPX Suite.


    RPX 408M version 2.0 Standard Rear Wall Graphics, blue sky w/clouds.  Excludes text, logos and any other custom elements.  Must be ordered with RPX Suite.


    RPX 408M version 2.0 Enhanced Rear Wall Graphics.  Includes any combination of simple company logo, company name, suite location, backgrd color, std clouds or solid backgrd meeting Polycom design specifications.  Must be ordered with RPX Suite.


    RPX 408M version 2.0 Premium Rear Wall Graphics.  Optionally includes any combination of new custom background, complex company logo, complex artwork, or complex text meeting Polycom Premium design spec.  Must be ordered with RPX Suite.


    RPX 418M, 428M Standard Rear Wall Graphics, blue sky w/clouds.  Excludes text, logos and any other custom elements.  Must be ordered with RPX Suite.


    RPX 418M, 428M version 2.0 Enhanced Rear Wall Graphics.  Includes any combination of simple logo, company name, suite location on std. blue sky w/clouds or other backgrd meeting Polycom Enhanced design spec.  Must be ordered with RPX Suite.


    RPX 418M, 428M version 2.0 Premium Rear Wall Graphics.  Optionally includes any combination of new custom background, complex company logo, complex artwork, or complex text meeting Polycom Premium design spec.  Must be ordered with RPX Suite.





    Country kit required for RPX HD v2.0 204M and 208M.  Suitable for UK, Ireland, Hong Kong & Singapore.


    Country kit required for RPX HD 2.0 210M, 218M and 408M.  Suitable for UK, Ireland, Hong Kong & Singapore,


    Country kit required for RPX HD v2.0 418M and 428M.  Suitable for  UK, Ireland, Hong Kong & Singapore,


    Country kit required for RPX HD v2.0 204M and 208M.  Suitable for France & Belgium.


    Country kit required for RPX HD v2.0 210M, 218M and 408M.  Suitable for France & Belgium.


    Country kit required for RPX HD v2.0 418M and 428M.  Suitable for France & Belgium.


    Country kit required for RPX HD v2.0 204M and 208M.  Suitable for Europe. (NOT TO BE USED FOR  France, Switzerland, Belgium, Ireland & UK.)


    Country kit required for RPX HD v2.0 210M, 218M and 408M.  Suitable for Europe. (NOT TO BE USED FOR  France, Switzerland, Belgium, Ireland & UK.)


    Country kit required for RPX HD v2.0 418M and 428M.  Suitable for Europe. (NOT TO BE USED FOR  France, Switzerland, Belgium, Ireland & UK.)
